Energy Efficiency Programs See All
Energy efficiency programs secure energy savings through various strategies such as audits, retrofits, training for building tradespeople, “people-centred” or behavioural efficiency strategies, and customized industrial programs.
Energy Efficiency Program Administration
Hydro-Québec has operated electricity DSM programs since the early 1990s. The provincial energy board (Régie de l’énergie) approves efficiency initiatives as a component of rate cases and electricity supply plans. In October 2019, Hydro-Quebec announced the creation of a new subsidiary named Hilo, focused on smart energy management. In December 2019, Bill 34 simplified the process for establishing electricity distribution rates and now requires Hydro-Québec to apply to the Régie de l’énergie to request it to set new electricity distribution rates, or modify the existing rates, every five years (including DSM program budget).
Énergir (formerly Gaz Métro) is the major natural gas distributor and natural gas energy efficiency administrator. Gazifère is a natural gas provider in Gatineau that also administers energy efficiency programs, under Gazifère Green branding.
A government energy efficiency agency has existed in Quêbec since the 1970s, originally named the “Bureau des économies d’énergie” (1977) and renamed “l’agence de l’efficacité énergetique” in 1996. In 2008, a “quote part” fuel charge on all fuel distributors was introduced to fund this agency. In 2011, the office was renamed the “Bureau de l’efficacité et l’innovation énergétiques” (BEIE) (Energy Efficiency and Innovation Office) and placed within the Ministry of Natural Resources. In December 2016, the BEIE was closed and a new state corporation with an executive director and board of directors was created, called Transition Énergétique Québec (TEQ).
TEQ was funded through the “quote part”, cap and trade revenues dispersed from the Green Fund, and an Energy Transition Fund supported by petroleum royalties. TEQ developed a five year master plan on energy transition, innovation, and energy efficiency. In June 2019, the government announced that TEQ would be brought under the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, as part of a restructuring of the governance of the provincial Green Fund. The “Master Plan” will be maintained, but adopted to consider new goals on electrification and climate change.
Bill 44, tabled in October 2019 and adopted in November 2020, changed the name of the Green Fund to the “Electrification and Climate Change Fund”, abolishing the Green Fund management council and transferring responsibilities to the Minister of the Environment and the fight against climate change, abolishing TEQ and placing the “master plan” under the responsibility of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.
On June 10, 2022, the Energy Transition, Innovation and Efficiency Master Plan was updated and extended until 2026.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Energy Efficiency Targets
Government directive 537-2017 directed Transition énergétique Québec to create a 2018-2023 Master Plan. This directive sought energy efficiency improvements of at least 1% per year, on average, and to reduce by at least 5% the total consumption of petroleum products from a 2013 base year.
The resulting TEQ 2018-2023 Master Plan estimated an improvement in energy efficiency by about 1.2% per year, on average. This is an economy-wide target, which includes indirect changes from technological improvements and structural changes as well as the impact of initiatives outside of Québec. The Province states that the initiatives within the plan are expected to improve efficiency by 0.6% per year (9.9 petajoules), which is higher than the 0.4% or 7.3 petajoules achieved from 2012 to 2017.
The plan also aims to reduce petroleum use by 12% in 2023 compared to 2013 levels - more than the government’s directive to reduce consumption by 5% by 2023 as a first step towards the 2030 Energy Plan’s target of a 40% reduction in 2030.
The 2018-2023 Master Plan is a major policy tool of the 2030 Energy Plan, which calls for a 2030 objective to improve energy efficiency 15% from a 2013 base year. In June 2022, an update to the Master Plan identified measures required to be taken through 2026 in order to meet the 2030 goals.
In November 2020, the Province of Quebec unveiled its Plan for a Green Economy. The plan reiterates the government’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 37.5% by 2030 compared to their 1990 level.
Hydro- Québec will contribute to this Plan and has raised its energy savings objectives to support the electrification of the economy. The utility’s revised objectives are available in the 2021 Progress Report of the 2020-2029 Supply Plan.
Énergir 2019-2023 plan targets natural gas savings equivalent to about 0.7% of sales, rising to 0.9% in 2023.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Energy Efficiency as a Resource
The government directive 537-2017 orders Transition énergétique Québec to develop a master plan for the years 2018-2023 that prioritizes energy efficiency as the first resource. This is a guiding philosophy rather than a specific directive to optimize all possible energy efficiency as a supply option.
Regulated energy distributors submit “supply plans” (Plan d’approvisionnement) that describe how to meet Québec market demands (art. 72 de la Loi sur la Régie de l'énergie). These plans include energy efficiency and demand side measures.
Hydro-Québec's latest 2020-2029 Supply Plan notably incorporates energy savings and power management forecasts and was filed with the Régie in November 2019 and can be viewed here.
The supply plan is submitted for authorization every three years to the Régie de l'énergie. A progress report for this plan is submitted for the interim years.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Efficiency Potential Study and Energy Planning
The techno-economic potential study on the reduction of petroleum product consumption in the Quebec transport sector was completed in November 2013.
The last natural gas efficiency potential study was completed in 2017 by Energir. Énergir will have to develop a 2024-2026 EMPP and submit it to the Régie de l'énergie for budget approval in spring 2023.
Hydro-Québec submits a Supply Plan every three years, which considers the energy efficiency of equipment, Hydro-Québec programs and that of the various programs developed by Transition énergétique Québec. Hydro Quebec's most recent electricity supply plan was completed in November 2019, and includes forecasts for energy savings and power management.
On June 10, 2022, the province's
Last reviewed: November 2022
Cost-Effectiveness Testing
Principal test: Total Resource Cost test and participant test, applied at program level.
Secondary use of rate impact test.
Natural Gas
Principal test: Total Resource cost test, applied at a mix of program and measure levels. One program might involve a single measure (e.g. thermostats), and some program categorizations are high level.
The participant test and rate impact measure is also reported.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Evaluation, Measurement and Verification
Utility programs
Each program or program category is evaluated externally every three to four years.
Electricity and natural gas efficiency reports are submitted to the Régie de l’énergie. Evaluation reports are available here.
Transition énergetique Quebec
TEQ programs are evaluated by an external firm according to an established schedule: review of EcoPerformance and Forest Biomass programs began in 2019-2020; review of the Roulez vert begin in 2020-2021. Reports can be found here.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Support for low-income energy efficiency programs
There are no policies to support low-income programming, such as minimum budgets or specific funds.
The Régie de l’énergie allows utilities to have low or negative profitability based on cost-effectiveness testing for initiatives targeting low-income households.
Éconologis is a program administered by Transition énergétique Québec in partnership with Hydro-Québec that offers free individualized advice and minor work to improve energy efficiency.
Hydro-Québec offers “Rénovation énergétique, offree aux ménages à faibles revenue”. Hydro-Québec signs agreements with social and community organizations, such as social and co-op housing providers and municipalities.
Énergir offers supplementary financial assistance to low-income households, under the Soutine aux ménages à faible revenue program.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Enabling Policies See All
Enabling policies refer to policies, regulations, and other activities that build supportive infrastructure and policy frameworks to advance energy efficiency in a province.
Support for Financing
Green Bonds
Quebec has issued green bonds six times since its inaugural issue in February 2017. In May 2021, $500 million in green bonds were issued, of which $12.05 million were used to support energy efficiency projects. Projects have primarily focused on public transit, and targeted to institutional investors. Épargne Placements Québec (an organization that issues savings and retirement products from the Quebec government) issues fixed-rate green bonds, intended for the retail market.
SOFIAC was officially launched in January 2021 by Fondaction and Econoler. The Quebec Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources supported this initiative with a start- up grant of $ 5.5 million. SOFIAC offers a financing and technical support solution to businesses in the commercial and industrial sectors for the energy efficient modernization of infrastructure.
The 2021-2026 Green Economy Plan also contains a measure aimed at identifying the most promising forms of innovative financing and supporting their emergence. Through the Compétivert program, loans of $50,000 or more are available to businesses that develop or adopt clean technologies and/or eco-responsible practices including improvements in energy efficiency.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Research and Development
Dedicated innovation funding
The Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) includes “energy use” as a core area of expertise. The Energy Technology Laboratory in Shawinigan focused on technological innovation with respect to energy efficiency.
Pilots, projects, and demonstrations
Program innovation
Last reviewed: November 2022
Lead by example
The TEQ Master Plan calls for mandatory recommissioning of public building mechanical systems and public disclosure of public building energy data.
The TEQ Master Plan calls for converting all building fossil fuel use for heat to renewable energy. No public buildings should be principally heated by fuel oil by 2023, except in rare circumstances.
The 2013-2020 Action Plan on climate change calls for obtaining an energy performance in new buildings 20% higher than the 2011 National Energy Code for Buildings, and also set objectives related to eliminating fuel oil use in public buildings.
The TEQ Master Plans (p. 159) calls for reducing energy use intensity (GJ/m2) of all public buildings by 10% in 2022-2023, and by 15% in 2029-2030 (base year 2012-2013). Specific targets are also given to the main institutional sectors, including health and social services, education, and social housing.
The 2013-2020 Action Plan on climate change calls for obtaining an energy performance in new buildings 20% higher than the 2011 National Energy Code for Buildings.
Energy consumption is monitored annually and the information is published on the government of Quebec's website in the form of a written report and a downloadable Excel file. The information is presented globally and by major sector (health and social services network, education network, higher education network, Société québécoise des infrastructures, other government departments and agencies).
Measure 148 of the Master Plan aims to convert, from 2020-2021, all main heating systems at the end of their useful life that run on fossil fuels to systems using renewable energies.
Vehicle Fleets
The Politique d’acquisition gouvernementale pour les véhicules légers (government policy on the acquisition of light vehicles), in place since Jan 2014, requires new vehicle purchases or existing vehicle replacements to be electric or hybrid electric.
The TEQ Master Plan (p. 159) creates targets to reduce energy consumption in light-duty vehicies by 30% in 2022-23 and 50% in 2029-30, from a 2012-13 base year, and to add 1000 additional electric vehicles by 2022-23.
The TEQ Master Plan calls for improved fleet management practices, and to collect fuel consumption data for all light and heavy vehicles, adoption of home-to-work travel plans, and to limit the travel of public building users.
The 2030 Energy Policy calls for reducing energy consumption (L/100 km) by 50% for light-duty vehicles, from a 2012 base year, and to add 1000 electric or hybrid vehicles to the fleet by 2020. The latter targets is also outlined in the transport electrification action plan (2015-2020).
Last reviewed: November 2021
Grid Modernization
Advanced metering
Non-wire planning processes
Conservation voltage reduction
Hydro-Quebec conducted the ‘CATVAR’ (1, 2) project between 2007 and 2016 to install and demonstrate equipment to manage distribution grid voltage and reactive power. The project was cancelled in 2016 due to planned energy surpluses and less than expected energy savings (though the deployed equipment will be maintained on the network until end-of-life, and thus will continue to deliver some energy savings).
Last reviewed: November 2022
Carbon Pricing
Until 2020, the provincial government transferred all proceeds from its cap-and-trade system to the Fonds Vert ('Green Fund') to implement its climate change action plan and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Improving energy efficiency, particularly in transportation and buildings, was a core priority, and proceeds supported programs in both areas. Concerns were raised about mismanagement and underperformance of this fund, and in November 2020, the provincial government replaced the Fonds Vert with a new Electrification and Climate Change Fund, under the direct management of the Ministry of Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change.
The Electrification and Climate Change Fund partly funds the Quebec Master Plan for Energy Transition, Innovation and Efficiency, which addresses energy efficiency.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Buildings See All
Buildings are a significant and often neglected component of Canada’s infrastructure, and high-performance buildings are important for our quality of life, physical and mental health, and economic productivity
Building Codes
Housing and Small Buildings
The last update to energy efficiency in the Quebec Construction code for small residential buildings was in 2012, by adding part 11 to Chapter 1. These energy efficiency requirements are not the same as section 9.36 on energy efficiency in the model national building code. The regulatory provisions are largely inspired by the first version of the Novoclimat program in Quebec.
The transition énergétique Quebec 2018-2023 Master Plan plans to boost the energy efficiency requirements for residential buildings. By 2021-22, the plan aims to improve the existing 2012 regulations governing small and multi-unit residential buildings.
Large Buildings
Quebec has adopted and implemented the 2015 National Energy Code for Buildings as of June 27, 2020. The regulations make some adjustments to the model code, exceeding it in some areas (heat recovery in pools, grocery stores, and arenas), falling short of it in others (minimum thermal resistance of walls and roofs).
Stretch or Step Codes
No stretch or step code has been published or adopted.
The transition énergétique Quebec 2018-2023 Master Plan states that Québec will publish a “voluntary standard” called The Québec Energy Code for Buildings in 2021/22 that will exceed the minimum energy code. This voluntary code will then be adopted for residential and commercial/institutional buildings in 2023/28.
Net-zero energy ready commitment
The TEQ Master Plan notes that any adoption of a net zero energy ready building code in Québec will consider the province’s context as a “green electricity” consumer.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Building Code Compliance
L’organisme Garantie Résidentielle (GCR) conducts annual inspections of code compliance in a sample of residential construction projects, which could include energy efficiency requirements.
The Régie du bâtiment du Québec established an interpretation committee to deal with the residential sector’s energy efficiency requirements.
Last reviewed: August 2020
Home Energy Rating and Disclosure
Mandatory home energy rating and disclosure: No
Home energy labelling voluntary or pilot program: No
The TEQ Master Plan includes a road map to eventually implement a compulsory energy efficiency rating system for new buildings and upon the resale of single-family homes. The roadmap calls for forming a working group on mandatory energy ratings in 2018/19, launching a pilot project in at least one city in 2021/22, and mandatory ratings by 2023/28.
Last reviewed: August 2020
Building Energy Rating and Disclosure
Mandatory large building energy rating and disclosure: Yes
Voluntary building benchmarking and transparency program: Yes
The Building Energy Challenge (Défi-Énergie en immobilier) is a program for commercial and institutional buildings to voluntarily disclose energy-use data to competitors. It is a 4-year competition, launched in May 2018. The program is coordinated by BOMA Québec and supported by the City of Montreal, Transition énergétique Québec, Énergir and Hydro-Québec. Reported data is not made public, but the next iteration of the program plans to require public disclosure.
The Transition énergétique Québec calls for making the disclosure of commercial and institutional building use data mandatory in the 2023/28 timeframe. It also foresees making government buildings energy data disclosure mandatory by 2023.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Appliance and Equipment Market Transformation
Space Heating | Windows | Water Heating | |
Research and development | Québec Hydro has conducted research into power management, large capacity heat pumps, and geothermal systems. | - | - |
Pilots and demonstrations | - | - | - |
Information and awareness | - | Hydro Québec has promoted ENERGY STAR® windows and patio doors since 2007, and developed awareness campaigns for both customers and industry. | - |
Technology and installation training | Hydro-Québec provides training for HILO technicians on space heating, but not specifically heat pumps. | Hydro-Québec and the Association de vitrerie et fenestration du Québec launched a specialized training course in 2019 for window installers, leading to Fenestration Installation Technician (FIT) certification. | - |
Upstream or downstream incentives | TEQ offers downstream incentives for ENERGY STAR® rated heat pumps through its Rénoclimat and Chauffez vert programs. | Hydro-Québec provides training and awareness, and TEQ offers a downstream incentive for ENERGY STAR® certified windows and doors. | Hydro Québec provides downstream incentives for three-element water heaters. |
Regulation, codes and standards | Hydro-Québec participated in the development of the CSA performance standard for split-system and single-package central air conditioners and heat pumps. | Hydro Québec participated on the standards development committees, and the government is planning to amend energy efficiency standards to apply to devices or equipment that do not directly consume energy. | - |
Last reviewed: August 2020
Appliance and Equipment Standards
Québec regulates appliances and equipment under The Act respecting energy efficiency and energy conservation standards for certain electrical and hydrocarbon-fuelled appliances (chapter N-1.01).
Regulation OC 434-2017, adopted on May 3, 2017 and in force August 15, 2017 strengthened regulations, and added new products not previously regulated, by harmonizing with federal standards. The changes also regulated products not currently regulated by the federal government (e.g. specific television). This regulation also requires manufacturers to keep a registry of testing and standards adherence. The last modernization of Québec’s regulations was in 1995.
Regulation OC 1394-2018 adopted Dec 12, 2018, and in force December 27, 2018 automatically updates Québec’s regulations to harmonize with federal regulations.
In December 2019, Quebec ratified the Regulatory Conciliation Agreement on energy efficiency standards for household appliances negotiated within the framework of the CEFTA. The process for the adoption of the agreement by the government is underway. In addition, government policy, regulatory and administrative relief favors the harmonization of MEPS of household appliances.
In October 2021, Québec adopted an Act amending the Act respecting energy efficiency and energy conservation standards for certain electrical and hydrocarbon-fuelled appliances (chapter N-1.01). The amendment extends the scope of the regulation to certain energy-using products.
The TEQ Master Plan calls for federal harmonization as well as extending the scope of regulations with an energy efficiency or GHG reduction potential in Québec noting areas such as doors and windows without federal regulations.
As of 2022, Québec regulates the following products not covered by federal regulations
- Space heating/cooling
- Thermostat
As of 2022 Québec regulates the following products above the federal standards
- Lighting
- Standard lamps/general service lamps
Last reviewed: November 2022
Efficiency Requirements for Government Supported Housing
The 2017-2021 Strategic Plan of La Société d’habitation du Québec notes improvements energy efficiency to contribute to government priorities.
Last reviewed: August 2019
Transportation See All
Policies tracked in the transporation area reflect the potential energy savings of closer integration of private transportation with buildings and electricity grids.
Zero-Emission Vehicles Mandate
Québec updated its Zero-Emission Vehicle Standard in 2020, first introduced in 2016. The standard established a credit/debit system that requires manufacturers to earn ZEV credits equivalent to 6% of light-duty vehicle sales and leases by 2020, 8% by 2021, 10% by 2022, 12% by 2023, 14% by 2024, and 16% by 2025.
New tightened zero-emission vehicle standards for 2025-2035 are currently in review, targeting ZEVs as 100% of vehicle sales by 2035. Public consultation was scheduled for June and July 2022.
Electric Vehicle Charging Program
Hydro-Quebec launched the Electric Circuit in March 2012. Under the program, the utility coordinates an international call for tenders and testing to provide EV charging infrastructure and related services to partners such as municipalities, institutions, and businesses. Partners can choose standard or fast-charging stations. EV drivers can become members to charge from all stations in the network. The Québec government offers financial assistance, up to a maximum of $600 for home charging, and 50% rebates up to $5,000 are available for workplace or multi-unit residential charging. The Transportez Vert program also offers financial assistance for the installation of DC fast charging to promote the electrification of fleets.
Last reviewed: November 2021
EV and PHEV Financial Incentives
Consumer Incentives
In 2021, incentives of up to $7,000 were available for the purchase of a new electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle with a retail price less than $60,000 (increased to $65,000 in April 2022). For plug-in hybrids the incentive is calculated according to the electric battery capacity. Incentives are also available for low-speed electric vehicles and electric motorcycles. A rebate for used electric vehicles is also available. In 2021 purchasers could receive up to $4,000 which decreased to $3,500 as of July 2022.
Commercial / Fleet electrification Incentives
The Ministry of Transport’s Écocamionnage program provides vehicle incentives and support for other aspects of commercial freight emissions reduction, including incentives for used vehicles. Rebate amounts can be up to $125,000 for medium-duty vehicles and $175,000 for heavy-duty vehicles, depending on the battery size and age of the vehicle.
Last reviewed: November 2022
“EV Ready” Building Code
Québec changed its electricity code in 2018 to include an obligation to install basic wiring for EV charging in single dwellings with garages, carports, or parking areas.
Municipalities have the power to include EV/PHEVs in their bylaws, and two municipalities have done so for high-rise residential buildings—the City of Sainte-Rose and the City of Laval.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Industry See All
In recognition that the industrial sector is highly varied across Canada, this database tracks policies that are broadly applicable to all industrial subsectors and provinces.
Energy Management
Énergir reported that it has the Energy Management System (Système de gestion de l’énergie). Implementing EMS with Énegir allows for organizations to have energy savings through behavioral and operational changes at all levels of an organization, from senior management to staff on the floor. They give technical and financial assistance throughout the process, and offer grants of up to $350,000. This financial help is distributed throughout many important stages of the EMS implementation.
Hydro-Québec offers the Electric Power Management Systems Program (Programme Systèmes de gestion de l’énergie électrique, or SGÉÉ)), which involves consultation with experts from the Hydro Québec. In addition to allowing customers to receive financial assistance from Hydro-Québec, an electricity management system (EMS) can assist customers in determining the actions to take to control of their energy usage and inform users the status about recurring savings.
The provincial government offers the EcoPerformance energy management program, which provides funding for different stages of an EnMS, such as conducting an energy audit, hiring an energy manager, and providing training on ISO-50001. EcoPerformance aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the energy consumption of businesses by financing projects or measures related to energy consumption and production, as well as improving processes. Financial assistance for large commercial and institutional consumers has increased from $40 / tCO2 to $60 / tCO2. Financial assistance for large industrial consumers has increased from $40 / tCO2 to $50 / tCO2, and up to $60 / tCO2 for participants who have achieved ISO 50001 certification.
The TEQ Master Plan includes an objective to provide additional financial incentives to program participants with an ISO-50001 Energy Management System certification, leading towards making the certification mandatory for all large enterprises that participate in incentive programs between 2023 and 2028.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Co-generation / Combined Heat and Power
Though there are no dedicated support programs for cogeneration / combined heat and power in Quebec, the provincial government directed Hydro-Québec to purchase electricity generated by biomass cogeneration in the pulp and paper industry, resulting in 21 contracts with a peak capacity of 338 MW by 2018.
Last reviewed: August 2019