Energy Efficiency Programs See All
Energy efficiency programs secure energy savings through various strategies such as audits, retrofits, training for building tradespeople, “people-centred” or behavioural efficiency strategies, and customized industrial programs.
Energy Efficiency Program Administration
The Yukon Government Energy Branch offers a comprehensive suite of incentive programs targeting residential, commercial and institutional clients across the territory including support for new construction, building retrofits, energy efficient appliances, and clean transportation. Support is offered through the Yukon government's Good Energy programs.
In 2021, the Yukon government partnered with the Yukon Conservation Society to assist them with the delivery of their electric thermal storage pilot project.
The Yukon Housing Corporation supports energy retrofits in buildings through low interest loans and a First Nation housing retrofit program.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Energy Efficiency Targets
The Yukon’s energy strategy, released in 2009, has a target to increase energy efficiency in Yukon by 20% by 2020.
In 2020, the Yukon released a new climate change mitigation strategy, Our Clean Future. The strategy identified a territory wide GHG reduction target of 30% below 2010 levels, which increased to 45% in May 2021. The plan includes making homes and buildings more energy efficient through retrofitting.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Energy Efficiency as a Resource
In 2020, an Order in Council was passed that directed the Yukon Utilities Board to include in the rates of public utilities, for retail customers and major industrial customers, provision to recover costs the public utility reasonably incurs to provide or participate in a demand-side management program.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Efficiency Potential Study and Energy Planning
Yukon conducted an Electricity Conservation and Demand Management Potential Review in January of 2012.
Building on Yukon Energy Corporation’s 2019 five-year strategic plan and the Government of Yukon’s 2020 Our Clean Future strategy, Yukon Energy’s 2020 10-Year Renewable Electricity Plan outlines a portfolio of key projects and partnerships needed by 2030 to address the substantial demand for renewable electricity that will result from the ongoing economic growth of the territory, and from the policies and actions outlined in Our Clean Future.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Cost-Effectiveness Testing
The Yukon Five Year Demand Side Management Plan (2013) screened each program using the total resource cost test (TRC), program administrator cost test (PAC), participant cost test (PCT), and rate impact measure (RIM).
In addition, the 2017/18 GRA application by Yukon Energy to the Yukon Utility Board (YUB) included the same cost-effectiveness tests (PCT, PAC, RIM, and TRC).
Yukon government energy programs are not subjected to cost-effectiveness testing.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Evaluation, Measurement and Verification
No EM&V activities identified.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Program Innovation
No program innovation funding identified.
Last reviewed: October 2020
Support for low-income energy efficiency programs
No requirements or mandates for energy efficiency programs for low income populations identified.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Enabling Policies See All
Enabling policies refer to policies, regulations, and other activities that build supportive infrastructure and policy frameworks to advance energy efficiency in a province.
Support for Financing
PACE Finance
Yukon pioneered the use of Local Improvement Charges through the Rural Electrification and Telecommunications loan program to assist residents living in rural areas to extend electrical grid and telephone services (and later internet) to rural properties in 1984.
The program is currently offered jointly through Yukon Energy, the Yukon Development Corporation and the Yukon government's Department of Community Services to help rural Yukon property owners get an alternate energy system (solar), telephone and internet service to their home. Funding for individual projects is limited to 25% of the assessed value of the property to a maximum $50,000, excluding group projects.
Yukon Housing Corporation offers a soft loan program called the Home Repair Program to help residents repair or upgrade their home, including upgrades that improve energy efficiency. The program is open to households with an income below $103,070. Loans are available up to $70,000 amortized up to 15 years in 5-year terms. Loans may be stacked with the Good Energy rebate program.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Research and Development
Pilots and demonstrations
Program innovation
Last reviewed: November 2022
Lead by example
The 2009 Energy Strategy calls for new construction funded by the government to meet energy efficiency standards.
The 2020 clean future indicates that the Government of Yukon will lead by example in this area by undertaking energy efficiency retrofits and installing renewable heating systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Government of Yukon buildings by 30% by 2030, compared to 2010. The target is to complete 2,000 residential, commercial and institutional energy efficiency retrofits by 2030.
Vehicle Fleets
In 2016, the Yukon government added an electric vehicle to its fleet as a pilot project to test the vehicles range and recharge times at winter temperatures.
The 2009 Energy Strategy calls for targets for vehicle use and fuel consumption in the government’s vehicle fleet.
The 2020 “our clean future” targets to have at least 4,800 zero emission vehicles registered in the territory – or approximately one in every eight passenger vehicles on the road .
Last reviewed: November 2021
Grid Modernization
Advanced metering
No advanced meter roll-out in the territory. In 2010, the Yukon Electrical Company proposal to install advanced meters was rejected by the utility board.
Non-wires alternatives
Conservation voltage reduction
No information available.
Rate design
Rates vary by service area. Inclining block rates with higher energy charges above a consumption threshold are prominent for residential and general service customers classes.
Yukon Energy industrial customers can receive a peak shaving credit.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Carbon Pricing
Yukon has voluntarily opted into the federal government carbon pricing system. An output-based pricing system was implemented for large industry in July 2019 (alongside the other territories) and a charge on fuel producers and distributors was applied. Aviation fuels will be exempt, and relief is provided for diesel-fired electricity generation for remote communities.
All carbon pricing revenues are returned via carbon rebates to business, residents, municipal governments and First Nations governments in the province. There are no specific carbon-rebate funded programs that support energy efficiency.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Buildings See All
Buildings are a significant and often neglected component of Canada’s infrastructure, and high-performance buildings are important for our quality of life, physical and mental health, and economic productivity
Building Codes
Housing and Small Buildings
Yukon adopted the 2015 National Building Code, including energy efficiency provisions related to section 9.36 with some modification, through a regulation to the Building Standards Act made on April 1, 2016. The 2015 National Building Code came into force on April 1, 2017.
The City of Whitehorse regulates new construction under its Building and Plumbing Bylaw. Requirements under this bylaw include thermal insulation values of R28 walls, R60 attics, and a maximum of 1.5 air changes per house (@ 50 Pa), heat recovery ventilator systems shall be done by a certified Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada designer. The exceptions are residential accessory buildings and cold storage buildings.
Large Buildings
Yukon has not adopted any version of the National Energy Code for Buildings or other energy efficiency standards for large buildings.
The City of Whitehorse’s Building and Plumbing Bylaw (section 86(3)) requires all commercial construction to “adhere to the current edition of the National Building Code or the National Energy Code”. This means the 2017 National Energy Code for Building is enforced within Whitehorse.
Stretch or Step Codes
No formal adoption of a stretch or step code across the Territory. Yet the City of Whitehorse, where 3/4th of the territory's population lives, has adopted a much more stringent building code under its Building and Plumbing Bylaw that applies to both large and small buildings. Requirements under this bylaw include thermal insulation values of R28 walls, R60 attics, and a maximum of 1.5 air changes per house (@ 50 Pa), heat recovery ventilator systems shall be done by a certified Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada designer. The exceptions are residential accessory buildings and cold storage buildings.
Net-zero energy ready commitment
Yukon's Our Clean Future strategy, released in 2020, commits the territory to net-zero energy ready building codes for new residential and commercial buildings by 2032.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Building Code Compliance
No code compliance activities were identified in Yukon.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Home Energy Rating and Disclosure
Mandatory home energy rating and disclosure: Yes (new homes in Whitehorse)
Home energy labelling voluntary or pilot program: No
The City of Whitehorse Building and Plumbing Bylaw requires an EnerGuide rating system label on all new homes, as of April 1, 2014.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Building Energy Rating and Disclosure
Mandatory large building energy rating and disclosure: No
Voluntary building benchmarking and transparency program: No
Last reviewed: November 2022
Appliance and Equipment Market Transformation
The Yukon government has provided support for cold-climate heat pump monitoring project (see Yukon, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Update, Jan 2016-June 2018, p. 10.)
Last reviewed: August 2020
Appliance and Equipment Standards
Yukon harmonizes with federal appliance and equipment energy efficiency regulations.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Efficiency Requirements for Government Supported Housing
No requirements identified.
Last reviewed: August 2019
Transportation See All
Policies tracked in the transporation area reflect the potential energy savings of closer integration of private transportation with buildings and electricity grids.
Zero-Emission Vehicles Mandate
There is no zero-emission vehicle mandate in Yukon.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Electric Vehicle Charging Program
Yukon began offering rebates for Level 2 chargers to homeowners, businesses, municipalities, and First Nations in 2020. Rebates cover 50% of costs up to $750 for residential units and up to $4,000 for multi-unit residential buildings, commercial or institutional units. The territory’s Our Clean Future strategy sets the following goals:
- Continue to install fast-charging stations across Yukon to make it possible to travel between all road-accessible Yukon communities by 2027 and work with neighboring governments and organizations to explore options to connect Yukon with BC, Northwest Territories and Alaska.
- Require new residential buildings to be built with the electrical infrastructure to support Level 2 electric vehicle charging beginning on April 1, 2021 (The City of Whitehorse currently requires all new residential buildings in the greater Whitehorse area be built with the electrical infrastructure to support Level 2 electric vehicle charging.)
- Draft legislation by 2024 that will enable private businesses and Yukon’s public utilities to sell electricity for the purpose of electric vehicle charging.
In 2019, the Government of Yukon installed the territory’s first electric vehicle fast-charging stations in Whitehorse and Carcross, with financial support from the Government of Canada and in partnership with the Carcross/Tagish First Nation, Northern Vision Development, Yukonstruct, Yukon College Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and ATCO Electric Yukon. Additional fast-charging stations were built in Marsh Lake and Haines Junction in 2020, and the government has tendered proposals to construct six more fast charging stations in 2021. All chargers are currently free to users.
Last reviewed: November 2021
EV and PHEV Financial Incentives
Yukon provides vehicle incentives through its Good Energy Clean Transportation program. The program provides incentives for both new (up to $5,000) and used (up to $1,500) hydrogen, electric, and plug-in electric vehicles, as well as an incentive of up to $2,000 for the purchase of zero-emission snowmobiles, e-bikes, and e-cargo bikes.
Last reviewed: November 2022
“EV Ready” Building Code
Amendments were made to the Yukon Building Code in April 2021 to require EV charging rough-in and designated parking spaces for new residential buildings in Whitehorse.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Industry See All
In recognition that the industrial sector is highly varied across Canada, this database tracks policies that are broadly applicable to all industrial subsectors and provinces.
Energy Management
No energy management programs have been identified.
Last reviewed: November 2022
Co-generation / Combined Heat and Power
No information available.
Last reviewed: August 2019