Energy Efficiency Programs See All

Energy efficiency programs secure energy savings through various strategies such as audits, retrofits, training for building tradespeople, “people-centred” or behavioural efficiency strategies, and customized industrial programs.

Energy Efficiency Program Administration

The 2016/2017 PEI Energy Strategy called for establishment of an independent energy efficiency utility with a mandate to pursue efficiency for all fuels. An Act to Amend the Electric Power Act, passed in December 2017, made the PEI Energy Corporation a public utility for the purposes of energy efficiency and demand side resources. The PEI Energy Corporation is a crown corporation under the department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy. The Corporation can submit energy efficiency plans to the province’s utility commission (The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission), and the Act requires that each public utility affected by the commission’s approval of an energy efficiency plan pay relevant costs.

The PEI Energy Corporation has delegated efficiencyPEI to act as the service agency for its efficiency and conservation. efficiencyPEI commenced operations in 2008 as a government department, and was formerly known as the Office of Energy Efficiency. The changes noted above changed efficiencyPEI’s parent company to the PEI Energy Corporation.

A 2018-2021 demand side management plan included a consistent ramp-up in savings and required evaluation of program savings by a third-party (which was not previously the case). A 2022-2025 demand side management plan has been filed with the regulator which includes updated savings targets, programming, enabling strategies and continued external evaluation.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Energy Efficiency Targets

The 2016/17 provincial energy strategy calls for ramping up to annual electricity savings of 2% per year by 2020, or just under 30 GWh/year under a static load assumption. The plan calls for savings to start at 0.4% of load in 2017 and ramp up.

Annual electricity savings targets in the PEI Energy Corporation 2018-2021 Demand Side Management Resource Plan were approved by the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission. A new three-year plan will be submitted to the regulator in 2021.

A new Demand Side Management plan was submitted to the regulator in the Spring of 2022 covering a three year period. The process is ongoing.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Energy Efficiency as a Resource

Section 16.1 of the Electric Power Act states that the utility commission may order a utility to submit an energy efficiency demand side resources plan or that a public utility may submit one for approval.  There is no mandate requiring PEI utilities to pursue energy efficiency.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Efficiency Potential Study and Energy Planning

efficiencyPEI conducted a ten-year Electricity Only Potential Study, which was completed in the spring of 2021.

The 2022-2025 Electricity Efficiency & Conservation Plan was submitted to the regulator in December 2021. The plan has not yet been approved.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Cost-Effectiveness Testing

Primary: Program Administrator Cost Test (PAC)
Secondary: Total resource cost test (TRC)

The PEI Energy Strategy called for a cost-effectiveness screening framework that considers a societal perspective, including non-energy benefits.

efficiencyPEI used PAC, at the portfolio level, in its proposed 2018-2021 DSM Resource Plan. TRC is used at the measure level as a secondary test. efficiencyPEI continues to use PAC and TRC tests in all program evaluations.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Evaluation, Measurement and Verification

efficiencyPEI hired a third party evaluator for the life of the DSM plan. They complete evaluation activities as required by the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission Oder UE19-03, which outlines the minimum scope of EM&V that must occur. This includes primarily Process and Impact Evaluations, as well as savings verifications in the latter part of the plan. efficiencyPEI also created an Evaluation Framework, which outlines evaluation priorities and procedures.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Support for low-income energy efficiency programs

There are no legislative or regulatory requirements for low-income energy efficiency programming.

In 2020 and 2021, efficiencyPEI dedicated a significant share of its budget to programs targeting low-income populations, through program such as the Home Insulation Rebates, Energy Efficiency Equipment Rebates, and the Winter Warming Program.

The Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action offers additional support to low-income households including a program for seniors.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Enabling Policies See All

Enabling policies refer to policies, regulations, and other activities that build supportive infrastructure and policy frameworks to advance energy efficiency in a province. 

Support for Financing

PACE financing
In early 2021 efficiencyPEI, the City of Charlottetown, the Town of Stratford, and PACE Atlantic partnered together to implement the SWITCH program. While Stratford's program is now fully subscribed, Charlottetown is offering loans of up to $40,000 (or 15% of the property value) at zero percentage interest for energy efficiency upgrades over ten to 15-year terms.

The Energy Efficiency Loan Program provides financing for homeowners who are approved applicants under either of efficiencyPEI’sEnergy Efficient Equipment Rebate and Home Insulation Rebate programs. The maximum loan value is $10,000, with a fixed interest rate of 5% per annum and a seven-year term. An additional loan offer is available for solar photovoltaic systems.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Research and Development

Dedicated innovation funding
Efficiency PEI included an enabling strategies fund in its 2018-2021 DSM Plan, totaling approximately $815,000 over the three years. The province has supported research on cold climate heat pumps and energy storage.

Pilots, projects, and demonstrations
efficiencyPEI completed the Cold-Climate Heat Pump Study with NRCan and continued to support the STASH Energy Storage project with the City of Summerside Electric Utility.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Lead by example

ePEI provides funding under the Greening Government program to Government to facilitate energy effiiency upgrades.  Annual budget of $500,000.

The PEI Climate Change Secretariat has endorsed utilizing NECB 2017 for all new government owned buildings.  Government to building net-zero buildings. The Sherwood Elementary School project will be the Province's first Net-Zero Building.

Energy use tracking
All projects funded under the Greening Government Program require the use of the Energy Star Portfolio Manager for the facility under renovation. The 2018 Climate Action plans commits to implementing a greening government program and developing a GHG emissions inventory for the government. It also commits to installing 20 additional biomass heating systems in public buildings.

Vehicle Fleets
The 2018 Climate Action Plan commits to increasing the use of electric vehicles in its light-duty vehicle fleet.

Last reviewed: November 2021

Grid Modernization

Advanced metering
There have been smart meter pilot programs in Prince Edward Island, including 400 AMI meters installed by Summerside Electric in 2010/2011, though widespread coverage does not yet appear to be in place. Maritime Electric aims to have smart metering rolled out across the island by 2025.

Non-wires alternatives
The 2016-2017 Energy Strategy notes that geotargeted energy efficiency can avoid the need to build transmission and distribution capacity. The plan calls for developing a set of guidelines for when geotargeted energy efficiency should be considered and developing geotargeted energy efficiency protocols.

efficiencyPEI's 2022-2024 DSM plan will identify geo-targeted demand response and energy efficiency initiatives.

Conservation voltage reduction

None identified.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Carbon Pricing

Proceeds go into general government revenue and are used to offset reduced provincial fuel excise taxes, to reduce costs for drivers and public transit users, and to support electric vehicle incentives.

Last reviewed:  November 2022

Buildings See All

Buildings are a significant and often neglected component of Canada’s infrastructure, and high-performance buildings are important for our quality of life, physical and mental health, and economic productivity

Building Codes

The Building Code Act received Royal Assent in May 2017. This Act enables the government to make regulations that adopt and enforce a specific edition of the National Building Code and National Energy Code of Canada (section 32(a)(a).

Housing and Small Buildings
Effective March 31, 2020, the province adopted and implemented the 2015 version of the National Building Code.

Large Buildings
The province had previously adopted the 2015 version of the National Energy Code for Buildings. Effective March 31, 2020, Prince Edward Island adopted the 2017 version of the National Energy Code for Buildings.

Stretch or Step Codes
No formal adoption of a stretch or step code.

The PEI Energy Strategy 2016/2017 discusses establishing a stretch code that would track the 5-year updates to national building codes.

Net-zero energy ready commitment
Prince Edward Island has committed to a net-zero energy ready building code for residential buildings by 2030.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Building Code Compliance

The province reported an estimate of two full-time equivalent staff positions dedicated to compliance and enforcement in 2020.

EfficiencyPEI partners with a local trade college to provide a building/energy code training course. 

Last reviewed: November 2022

Home Energy Rating and Disclosure

Mandatory home energy rating and disclosure: No
Home energy labelling voluntary or pilot program: No

The 2017 PEI Energy Strategy lists an action item to “implement mandatory building labeling for the residential sector when homes are listed for sale”, and to “examine the feasibility of a mandatory commercial/institutional building energy reporting system, or a voluntary one led by government buildings”.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Building Energy Rating and Disclosure

Mandatory large building energy rating and disclosure: No
Voluntary building benchmarking and transparency program: No

Last reviewed: November 2022

Appliance and Equipment Market Transformation
Space Heating Windows Water Heating
Research and development - - -
Pilots and demonstrations PEI partnered with Natural Resources Canada to conduct 16 field studies of cold-climate heat pumps between 2018 and 2020. - -
Information and awareness - - -
Technology and installation training - EfficiencyPEI arranged for window installation training to be provided by Summerhill to members of its Network of Excellence. -
Upstream or downstream incentives Efficiency PEI provides downstream incentives to residential and commercial clients. EfficiencyPEI’s Home Insulation Rebate program provides rebates for ENERGY STAR® rated windows and doors. EfficiencyPEI provides downstream incentives for hybrid hot water heaters.
Regulation, codes and standards - - -

Last reviewed: August 2020

Appliance and Equipment Standards

PEI harmonizes with federal appliance and equipment energy efficiency regulations.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Efficiency Requirements for Government Supported Housing

The PEI Housing Action Plan 2018-2023 list an action item to “explore mandating new affordable housing units to be built to a to-be-defined energy efficiency standard” over 2019-2023.

Last reviewed: August 2019

Transportation See All

Policies tracked in the transporation area reflect the potential energy savings of closer integration of private transportation with buildings and electricity grids. 

Zero-Emission Vehicles Mandate

There is no zero-emission vehicle mandate in Prince Edward Island.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Electric Vehicle Charging Program

In March 2019, PEI received $300,000 to install 6 level-3 electric vehicle fast charging stations under the federal Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative.

efficiencyPEI has applied to Natural Resources Canada for funding to implement an EV charging incentive program for level 2 chargers for businesses, institutions, and multi-unit residential buildings.

Last reviewed: November 2021

EV and PHEV Financial Incentives

Prince Edward Island began offering up to $5,000 to residents who purchase a new or used EV in April 2021. The province also offers an incentive of up to $500 for the purchase of an e-bike.

Last reviewed: November 2022

“EV Ready” Building Code

The PEI 2016-2017 Energy Strategy states that the government will consider “mandating that new homes be pre-wired for electric charging and link this measure to the adoption of the National Building Code.” It also examines the feasibility of requiring or encouraging outdoor parking in new multi-unit residential developments to be equipped with EV chargers.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Industry See All

In recognition that the industrial sector is highly varied across Canada, this database tracks policies that are broadly applicable to all industrial subsectors and provinces.

Energy Management

The Government of PEI launched the Community Energy Solutions program in August, 2020 to businesses, community centres, and agricultural operations. Larger organizations (consuming more than 350,000 kWh per year) may qualify for customized energy solutions, which may include financing for a feasibility study and access to an onsite energy manager. There is no comprehensive EnMS/SEM program.

Last reviewed: November 2022

Co-generation / Combined Heat and Power

No activities identified. 

Last reviewed: August 2019

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